Pendine Beach Annual Charity Drive
The sun shone, unlike last year’s torrential rain, and 7 turnouts came along to enjoy the 7 miles of beach at Pendine. As usual the day was organised by Dee and everything ran very smoothly. Our turnouts travelled varying distances on the wonderful sands and congratulations must go to Rachel Royle and Luke who drove to the very far end of the beach, ate their picnic and then arrived back with her lovely mare looking ready to do it all again.
The members of public love to see the turnouts and the ‘most popular’ prize must go to Jeanette Lee with her cheeky pair of coloured miniature Shetlands. What a lovely sight they make.
The drive is always held as a charity event and this year we managed to raise £80 which was sent to Wales Air Ambulance.
29 September 2018 – West Wales